Welcome to Greener Pastures Organics.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality property care to as many landscapes as we can and do it in the most organic way possible. We are on a mission to ‘green-up’ our piece of the world one landscape at a time. Paul Wagner, president of GPO, is a Board Certified Master Arborist, as well as a NYS Certified Nursery Professional with a degree in Ornamental Horticulture. He is also president of Soil Foodweb New York – a commercial soil-testing laboratory. With over 15 years experience in science-based organic tree, shrub and lawn care, Paul has the know-how and access to the resources needed to care for your property and achieve the best results with the least environmental impact. What are science-based organics? Research has proven that all plants have a specific biological component in the soils they live in. These organisms interact with plants to keep them healthy, along with the environment the plants live in. Based on this scientific research, we at GPO use specialized products and technology to get your plants colonized with the correct soil microbes they need to grow and thrive without chemical inputs. Organic products that are not commercially available are produced in-house so our results are not limited by what is on the shelf in the store. Our team consists of people that have studied biology, chemistry and horticulture/arboriculture. This is a great blend to deliver our science-based organic plant care effectively.

Paul Wagner, President
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist
Certified Nursery &
Landscape Professional
NY-0455B NY Certified Applicator